Chicago Senior Care Providers Lend Assistance to Avoid Slips and Falls

According to researchers from the University of Illinois, subconscious training may be the “vaccine against falls” elderly people are looking for. The team, headed by physical therapy professor Clive Pai, is currently working on a custom treadmill that may be used to implicitly train seniors how to not fall by tripping them on purpose, while they’re rigged to a safety harness. Headlines & Global News takes a closer look at this study, which aims to improve senior care: Continue reading

Cook County Senior Services Help Maintain Good Nutrition for Seniors

Nutrition plays a crucial role in the health of seniors. Certain foods, vitamins, and minerals in the right amount are necessary to maintain their health and functions. Others need to be avoided or limited to prevent negative health implications.

As simple as it may sound, the specifics may be far more complex and challenging, especially if seniors live alone. For this reason, it’s ideal to get Cook County senior services that include meal preparation and feeding assistance to regularly monitor and maintain an older adult’s nutritional intake. Continue reading

Home Health Care in Chicago, IL: Preparations for Alzheimer’s Care

Alzheimer’s is one of the leading mental health problems in America. As a matter of fact, approximately 1 in 3 seniors across the country pass away with the condition or other forms of dementia. This is true in the Windy City, where reliable Chicago home health care services play an important role in caring for seniors with dementia.

If an elderly family member is suffering from Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia, how exactly can you prepare for his or her care?  Continue reading

Home Care in Chicago Ease Burden of Caring for Elderly Loved Ones

Taking care of an elderly mother or father is never an easy job. Besides the physical burden the task puts on a family caregiver, the emotional toll of watching your loved one age and waste away can be difficult to deal with, at best.

However, on the positive side, being a family caregiver can also be immensely rewarding. By caring for an elderly loved one, you return the care and affection you received from them when you were younger, resulting in strengthened emotional ties. Additionally, the pride you get when you see how much your loved one appreciates your time and attention can also leave you feeling gratified.  Continue reading